Topic: Identity

Topic: Identity

Pastor Stefan Edefors from Sweden.

If you don’t know whether you are a mother or a father to what you are carrying, you will lose it. You must understand your position before God or believe the voice that comes from God so that you can receive from Him.

In the kingdom of kings, there is no dream like that of sleeping but rather a vision that must be fulfilled while you are alive because no dream will be fulfilled in the grave. If you don’t understand your purpose here on earth, you might lose your vision, and it will not be fulfilled. It will be like someone who is dead, but as a child of God, you are a king. Therefore, you need to have a vision so that this vision may come to pass in your life.

When you know who you are, you will know what you can do. And when you know what you can do, it will be easy for you to reach what you are expecting, and you will be able to change your life and even an entire nation. You will fight for yourself and others because you will have already realized who you are. You will think differently from how you think now. You cannot think differently from the environment you are in if you haven’t yet realized who you are. But once you realize it, you will think big, like an eagle that cannot live together with chickens because of the greatness of its vision.

Jacob was brought before his blessings because he was destined to be blessed. His father blessed Jacob thinking he was Esau, his firstborn. It doesn’t matter how it happened, but it was necessary for Jacob to be blessed.

There are changes that need to happen in your life once you know you are a child of God. It makes no sense to continue living life as if you are not a child of God. You must take steps to live the life you are supposed to live so that you can see what God has given you to possess.

Make sure you do what God commanded you to do so that you may live in His righteousness, and by doing so, you will receive your inheritance. If you cannot do what God wants, you cannot be righteous before Him, and as a result, you will not be able to receive your possession.

Deuteronomy 7:12-13: “If you pay attention to these laws and are careful to follow them, then the Lord your God will keep His covenant of love with you, as He swore to your ancestors. He will love you and bless you and increase your numbers. He will bless the fruit of your womb, the crops of your land—your grain, new wine, and olive oil—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks in the land He swore to your ancestors to give you.”

A saved person who lives in God’s righteousness while doing good deeds will compel God to give them their rightful inheritance. Your righteousness was released to you by God when you were saved, and your name was entered into the Book of Life. Don’t struggle on your own, for you cannot save yourself without God. Seek to be righteous, because righteousness removes the desire to commit sin.

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