Opening Word

Opening Word

It is another year that the Lord has granted us to be in this place (in the 2024 Annual Gathering), not by our strength or cleverness, because there are those who wished to be here but were not able. Know that there is a God who loves you and...

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Make a Decision

Make a Decision

Servant of God, Mama Eliakunda Mwingira – Efatha Church   2 Kings 7:3-8 “Now there were four men with leprosy at the entrance of the city gate. They said to each other, ‘Why stay here until we die? If we say, “We’ll go into the city”—the...

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Receiving a Promise

Receiving a Promise

Steps to physically attaining ownership: The first step for Abraham was receiving a son. What did Abraham do while waiting for God’s blessing? We see the generosity and loving heart he had, which led him to receive the answer he desired...

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Lesson: Family

Lesson: Family

APOSTLE BETSON KIKOTI I have three questions to discuss with you: When a marriage breaks down, who is held accountable before God? In a marriage, who is the protector of the other, the husband or the wife? In a marriage, who causes joy and...

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