Begin your marriage with the Lord

A daily devotional.
Apostle prophet Joseph Elias Mwingira, Ephatha church.
November 3, 2023.
Genesis 2:18 “And the Lord God said, “”It is not good for man to be alone.” I will make him a helper equal to him. “
God does not deny a man to marry the partner he wants, but not all husbands and wives are given by the Lord. A man who obeys God’s command in marriage will not divorce because the Lord will provide the solution even if they are in trouble.
Begin your marriage with holiness and end in holiness. This kind of marriage, even if it started with nothing, will flourish and leave a blessing to the offspring. The secret to living a HOLY life is to get rich, not aging, but rejuvenate. Because it’s the promise of God.
But don’t start adultery because your right to thrive will be violated if you have a poor start in marriage. It’s ignorance and a sin that makes you old. It’s good to begin a marriage life with the Lord.

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