Worship is not something we do because we want to, no! It is a command and an instruction from God. For this reason, in order for you to worship, you must obey that command. When you worship, you show that you honor and obey God, and it becomes a way of communicating with HIM who created you.
Worship is a way of communicating with the One who is your source. Therefore, when you go before God or worship, there are many things you need to reflect on before you go. Do not go to church as you have always done because you cannot worship without witnessing a miracle. Your obedience and your way of worshiping God will determine how God brings people to meet your needs. Stop crying day and night; learn to worship because when you worship, God will do something for you to make you grateful to Him. Worship is a way out of poverty; worship is a path to success. Worship is where you will find blessings and where you will be hidden. When you worship, God can shape you into what He wants you to be. When will you obey God? When will you submit to Him?
PRAYER: Lord, it might be that I am foolish; remove my foolishness because I want to be someone who pleases You, someone You can communicate with. Help me to please You.
The world will pass away, and its things will also pass away, but after all that, there is rest. There may come a time when it seems like God is not there or help is not available—even when you call, He does not answer; when you knock, He does not open. Troubles press in from all sides. You look to the left and right, and nothing helps. Do not give up; God is with you.
Look at what He has brought you through—it is so much. Even the problem troubling you now will pass. It does not matter what happens or who is involved; you will overcome it. Job lost everything for three years, having nothing, and his body covered in sores, yet he trusted that God was with him. David ran from the king for 15 years, yet the king could not find him because the Lord was with him. It was not by his own strength but by the strength of the Lord. You too will pass through what troubles you; your pursuer will not reach you.
Forget the past and focus on what the Lord is going to do for you. He will reveal what is to come; He will change even the things threatening to arise. No matter what you have been through, there is victory in Jesus.
There are things you need to understand to take possession:
- Know Your Position
- Matthew 16:18: “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”
You must recognize who you are. You are the Church of Jesus Christ, built on the rock. What is the Church? It is the house of the Holy Spirit, a place where the Spirit of God worships God. This means you are the Church. The gates of hell aim to hinder the Church from advancing or flourishing. - 1 Corinthians 3:9: “For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.”
There are three groups of people in the Church:- Co-workers with God.
- God’s field, which He uses to bear fruit some within the Church are meant to bear fruit.
- God’s building, those who worship by allowing the Spirit to worship.
Where do you stand? Understand your position before your God.
The Church of Jesus Christ is commanded to move forward. This means you, as a believer, are commanded to advance, not to stagnate. You must grow. If yesterday you had one million, today you should have ten million, and tomorrow you should have a hundred million. There should be constant progress in your life. I command you to move forward in the name of Jesus, and no one shall hinder you in the name of Jesus.
- Matthew 16:18: “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”
May God grant you the wisdom to understand the time for fulfilling your purpose, which He has destined for you. Everyone has their appointed time to fulfill their purpose. If it has not yet come to pass, it could be because you are either too early or too late. May God help you discern the right time and what to do at the right moment.