Vision & Mission


To proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world so that people may receive salvation, healing, and deliverance through the Name and the Blood of Jesus Christ.


To spread the Gospel to bring the world to Jesus Christ by offering excellent and balanced ministry in teaching, healing, and deliverance of creation; and to improve the Church’s economic investments to support its mission.

What we believe?

We believe truly born-again believers are not looking for an excuse to sin. How can they if they have been impacted by Jesus’ love and sacrifice? We believe they are looking for a way out of sin and out of the prison of fear, guilt, and condemnation. We have observed that the more we proclaim God’s amazing grace and unconditional love, the more we receive testimony after testimony from people around the world who have been liberated from pornography, alcoholism, drugs, and sexual immorality. That is the power of the gospel of grace. When Jesus is preached, sin loses its power to have dominion over people’s lives and true repentance occurs.

Romans 5:17 tells us, “Much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.”