Testimony of Pastor Christee

Testimony of Pastor Christee


I thank God for His great works in my life. In 2015, I set the voice of the Servant of God, Apostle and Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira, as a ringtone on my phone. Last year, during one of our couples’ services in Pakistan, a young lady came who was possessed by demons. I tried to pray for her for several hours, but the demon refused to leave. I used every method I could think of, but the demon still wouldn’t come out.

I started to feel afraid, sensing that I might be embarrassed in front of my congregation if the demon didn’t leave. I stepped aside, knelt down, and called upon the God of my spiritual father. I said, “Where is the God of my spiritual father, Apostle and Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira?” The Holy Spirit whispered to me that this demon had come to humiliate me and had been sent from India. The Holy Spirit told me to use the ringtone on my phone that had the voice of the Apostle and Prophet. So, I told one of my assistants to call my phone. He was surprised, as I had been struggling with the demon for a long time, and now I was asking him to call my phone. But he did as I instructed.

When he called, the voice of the Apostle and Prophet said, “Because you are not the one who called me, oh Hallelujah, the one who called me is up above and watching me; as I walk on this earth, I step on demons to the left, I step on jinn to the right, and as I walk, the demons flee, and the witches scatter because I carry the Kingly Anointing, and you, receive it!”

Even though I didn’t fully understand its meaning, I used that voice with faith, knowing that if the possessed person heard the voice of the Apostle and Prophet, the demon would leave. After doing so, the demon left without any difficulty. I thank God for my spiritual father who was given to me.

All praise and glory be to my God in Heaven.

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