Rejoice before the Lord always

Rejoice before the Lord always
Deuterenomy 12:7 “And there ye shall eat before the LORD your God, and ye shall rejoice in all that ye put your hand unto, ye and your households, wherein the LORD thy God hath blessed thee.”
Enjoy what God has given you or blessed you because if you are joyful, praise will come from your mouth to God, this will make God give you more than what you asked for because God loves praise.
Learn to rejoice before the Lord so that blessings and peace will come to you. How will you learn to be joyful? By giving God praise. Every day give God praise for everything you have, give praise to God for His creation of you, for the mind He gave you, the beautiful eyes He gave you to see His creation, the ears He gave you to hear His Word, the beautiful nose He gave you to breathe fresh air, the mouth He gave you so you can speak His Word, and even the skin He gave you so you can feel His presence. If you do that He will give you what you do not have in spirit and in body because God is a giver.
God always dwells in a place of joy and praise, not a place of complaint. Don’t be a person to complain, everything about you is wrong and inappropriate, this behavior does not please God. If God sees complaints in you then He will sit aside and just look at you, because our God is not a God of complaints. Complaining is not a solution to what is bothering you but it is an end to yourself.
The praise that comes from your happiness is what will draw God very close to you and take your challenge and finish it, after that you will not wander, and shame will not be your part, because the God of praise is with a person of praise.
Desire to be a person who rejoices before the Lord always, and you will see His hand working wonders in your life.

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