Possessing your inheritance

Possessing your inheritance


Obadiah 1:17 – “But upon Mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.”

Key points to consider from this verse:

  1. Mount Zion
  2. Deliverance
  3. Holiness
  4. Possession

When you are on Mount Zion, you will be delivered. Once delivered, you must receive holiness, and after receiving holiness, you must possess.
What is Mount Zion? It is the mountain of the Lord, symbolizing the New Covenant Church, as opposed to Mount Sinai, which represents the Old Covenant.
Hebrews 12:18 – “For you have not come to a mountain that can be touched and that is burning with fire; to darkness, gloom, and storm.”
At Mount Sinai, there was trembling, fear, and the law given to the Israelites. Mount Sinai represents the Old Covenant, marking the beginning of Israel’s journey.
Mount Zion, on the other hand, represents the New Covenant. It is a place you can come to, where you will stand firm and not be shaken, for it is where you can easily meet your God. Mount Zion symbolizes the New Covenant.
Hebrews 12:22 – “But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly.”
When we gather in an orderly manner, it is for our God, and there we find the strength to possess our possessions.
Everything is possible on Mount Zion; what is impossible for man, God can do. And on Mount Zion, there must be our deliverance.
Each of us must receive deliverance before we can possess our possessions. Why are you saved yet still unable to possess your inheritance? It is because many have not received complete deliverance. If you want to possess, you must first seek deliverance, for without it, you will never be able to receive your inheritance.

Things you need to have to possess your inheritance:

  • Righteousness: This grants you the right to receive what you deserve.
  • Sanctification: This enables you to receive your inheritance. There are people who are saved but still have “Egypt” (the old ways) in them. Sanctification removes sin from you.
  • Glorification: This removes sin completely.

To possess, you must remove the old ways within you. There are people in the church who make the work of God difficult because of the old nature (Egypt) in them. They are saved but still cling to old habits. Out of a hundred people in the church, 20 may still have this old nature, which makes God’s work difficult within the church.
The Israelites failed to possess their inheritance for 40 years because of their old ways; likewise, you may be failing to possess your inheritance today because of the old nature within you. But God is waiting for you to change your mindset so He can lead you into your inheritance. God will not allow another to possess your inheritance; He will wait for you until you realize who you are. Do you want to possess? Realize it now, so you can possess your inheritance.
Joshua 5:9 – “Then the Lord said to Joshua, ‘Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you.’ So the place has been called Gilgal to this day.”
Whatever brought you shame must be removed from you today in Jesus’ name. It may be your marriage that has hurt you and caused you shame, but this shame must be broken, and you must start afresh in the name of Jesus.
God wants you to possess your inheritance on Mount Zion, and this is your time to receive in the name of Jesus.

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