Topic: Main Questions

Topic: Main Questions

The Bible contains both small questions and major questions.

2 Kings 7:3: “Now there were four men with leprosy at the entrance of the city gate; they said to each other, ‘Why stay here until we die?'”

This was a major question asked by those who were suffering, marginalized, and facing difficult situations. The four men asked this question at the same time. Where did this question arise? And why were there four of them, each with the same question? This question arose here: 2 Kings 7:1: “Elisha said, ‘Hear the word of the Lord; this is what the Lord says: About this time tomorrow, a measure of the finest flour will sell for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.'” This was a prophetic announcement from a prophet who had a prophecy at that time, which led these lepers to have a major question related to fulfilling that prophecy.

To enter into your ownership, you need passwords, which are as follows:

  1. Thanksgiving: This is the password to access your ownership.
  2. Faith: You must believe, for without faith you cannot succeed. What God is saying to you is beyond your capacity to comprehend, so you need to believe in order to receive from God.
  3. Obedience: Many people want to achieve their ownership but do not want to set their passwords.

As long as you have the secret word (password) to your door, you will never need to knock when you arrive at the entrance; obedience will accelerate your miracle. Obedience is what God desires from humanity from the book of Genesis to Revelation.

If you want to receive your ownership from God, ensure you have the secret word that will unlock what you desire in your life. Great people are the fruits of the major questions they have asked themselves. If you see someone doing great things, know that at some point they asked themselves a significant question that changed their life. Ordinary people often lack such significant questions in their lives, and even when they have questions, they hesitate, hear, and forget.

May God give you a major question and the courage to pursue it so that you can achieve your ownership. It has been declared that this is the year of ownership; therefore, your ownership is waiting for you. Now, what are you waiting for to claim your ownership? Ask yourself why you are struggling when ownership has been declared for you. This is your time to possess; stand up and take your inheritance.

I release the grace of ownership upon you, and you will no longer struggle but will possess your inheritance.

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