The Promised Land

The Promised Land

When God delivered the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land, He had the task of dealing with His people. He began preparing them to possess their inheritance by correcting their mistakes, getting them ready for the ownership ahead. Your inheritance today is so great that’s why you experience much correction—so things can be set right. Electricity can not flow where there are errors; ensure the wires are correctly connected before linking to the power source. In this gathering, mistakes must be corrected to achieve your possession.

And if we need to return to the original order, we must go back to the book of Genesis, where the origin of our existence is found.
Genesis 1:22-23 ” God blessed them and said, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth.’ And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day.”

God blessed us and commanded us to be fruitful, to increase, and to rule without limitation. He gave mankind these blessings to enable us to live in all conditions here on earth. The devil was afraid to approach Job alone because he knew he did not have the strength to defeat him until he sought permission from heaven, from the source of Job’s strength. Due to the system Job had, God allowed Satan to touch Job’s children, wealth, and livestock but not his inner system, which was his soul.

You, who are saved, you are a child of God, and your source is God Himself. People may have taken away your job, joy, or peace, but because your system is rooted in your source, you will be restored just as you were in the beginning.

There are many mistakes that happen, especially in the church, which hinder the production of God’s children and take people away from their original system. This system is God’s empowerment, and it operates according to His instructions.
God appeared to Moses and told him He had heard the cries of His people and seen their suffering, and He came to deliver them and lead them to the Promised Land. God heard the cry of the Israelites and raised someone to go and deliver them.

When God appeared to Moses, He said, “Go, for I have heard their cries.” In these cries, the Israelites did not ask Moses to save them. No! They cried out to God. But when God heard their cries, He didn’t go to them directly; instead, He raised someone on their behalf. That is the original system.

When people cry out in any nation or area, God raises a person to deliver them. God has His ways of solving the problems of His people. Even in what you are going through, God has a way of solving your problems—trust Him, and He will act for you.

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