Why are we going to Precious centre Kibaha?

Why are we going to Precious centre Kibaha?

Pastor: Aimana Dominic – Efatha church mwenge Dar es salaam

  1. It is because it is a valuable place, sacred, and a valley where words are cut off. Any burdensome words that trouble you will be cut off when you arrive at this place, where the Lord of lords resides.
  2. We go to the valley where words are cut off, and if there are any hindrances, even if they arise from your father’s or mother’s lineage, those words will be cut off, and you will be free.


  • It is a place where the Lord of lords meets all His people at the same time.
  • It is a place where Heaven answers the prayers of all people. Even if there is something you were expecting to receive this year but it seems delayed, at this year’s gathering, the Lord will fulfill it and remove all doubts.
  • It is a place where the Lord of lords, our owner, reveals and manifests Himself to His people in a profound and divine way.
  • It is a place where the Lord forgives all iniquities and purifies His people.
  • It is a place where you will encounter the presence of the Lord and His glory. Wherever His glory is, there is divine protection at all times, and all our needs are met, including good health and long life.

Do you believe that the Lord can do more than what you imagine? In this year’s gathering, the Lord will respond to you in extraordinary ways. This is our year of possession, and to possess, your mind must grasp this truth: Psalms 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” When your mind understands this, you will be able to possess what you desire in life.

To receive these things, you must first possess the Lord of lords, for He owns everything. You must also understand that the One who owns everything has a plan to give possession to His people. Are you ready to possess with the One who owns all things, visible and invisible?

How will you possess the Lord?
First, you must accept Him. When you possess the Lord of lords, He takes care of all your problems, which is why He says, “Before you even ask, He will answer.” Once you reach the point of possessing the Lord, nothing and no one will be able to shake you.

John 15:1-17
“…I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you…”

Without making the decision to possess Him, there is nothing you will possess, because when you possess the One who owns all things, then you too will be able to possess what you desire.

If you keep the commandments of the Lord as He kept the commandments of His Father in Heaven, one of the key commandments to observe is the commandment to love one another. Then His joy will reign in you. You cannot possess if you do not have joy within you. Therefore, decide to obey His commandment to love, so you may attain the joy that will enable you to possess all your possessions.

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