Sunday service sermons 10/12/2023

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Sunday service sermons 10/12/2023

God is good to you always, whatever you go through you are going to WIN. When you have trust in the Lord, your heart’s content with the King of Kings, your work honors the King of Glory, and God is moved by your beauty, the roaring lion in your life will never eat you alive.
You will always be safe because of God’s Grace, Peace, and Power, regardless of how many, strong, or furious your opponents are. Have no fear when the wind, fire, or flood comes to wash you away; the Lord will raise you above everything. No matter how deeply they have hidden you under a rock, if you call on the Name of the Lord, He will come and rescue you from that place because He is good and will seek you out no matter where you are; he will do this because he believes in you, loves you, and cares about you.
This is the final month of 2023; I’m not sure how you’re going to end this year, but I hope you end as a Victor. Most likely, your marriage, finances, job, or business are not doing well. However, I am here to tell you that, whatever the problem, may the Lord grant you victory this year.
God is constantly there for you, and this year is more important than the last because God owns the future and the devil owns the past. Because of this, the devil can’t know what lies ahead for you, but he can know what has happened to you, so the future is more significant than the past.
One person whom I adore deeply in this world is the one who died on the cross beside Jesus; in the final moments of his life, he accomplished a good deed and then departed. This guy was a murderer and thief who had been sentenced to death alongside Jesus. However, in the final moments of his life, he made choices that would ultimately bring him glory and victory. Many people begin endeavors with success and grandeur but finish up with humiliation and failure, they start off glowing but end up fading, they jump at first then end up lying on the ground. This shouldn’t be for you. You shouldn’t be one of those people who gets married with all the hype and excitement only to end up divorced. Many people lead successful lives but ultimately become losers.
Of the three who were crucified, one passed away from his life in pain for all eternity, while the other died in glory. How does this happen? What you hear and consider will determine whether your life ends in holiness or in pain forever. One of the three who were crucified said, “Do as you always do, let’s get out of here,” but the other said, “Lord remember me.” He didn’t ask to be healed; instead, he asked to be remembered at the time of glory, and that’s what happened. Your message delivery or your interpretation of God’s Word will determine whether you win or lose.
When you are ready to fulfill what God has promised you, when you are going to get to the place where God has prepared you, your inheritance, and where he has promised you, go with extreme caution because something could happen to distract you. Every time you think you are going to reach your peak, something has to happen to stop you.
When you’re prepared to celebrate, rejoice, or be glorified but all of a sudden nothing appears or is visible to you, leaving you with the impression that you are in a desert and your happiness vanishes. It seems like everything has stopped working for you and that nothing good will happen to you, don’t worry—when you see that moment, start dancing and celebrate because the obstacle separating you from your glory is about to come down, and you will soon triumph.
If you notice that something has moved in front of you to obstruct you, it’s because something important is hiding somewhere, and that something precious is ready to enter your life. That being said, many get frustrated and furious, and some give up entirely, as they begin to swear, complain, and moan. Be calm if you notice that you are losing things you need, such as happiness, attractiveness, or money, but be aware that you are gaining valuable things instead of anything material. If the money was there but has since disappeared, or if your business was doing well but has since collapsed, remember that you will eventually obtain more rewards than you earned at first.
Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to finally see that this is all happening because I am close to something very wonderful.
May you be the HEAD and not the tail; be HIGH and not low. May the Lord bless your works, may He bless your life, may He bless all you eat and drink, may He bless your conduct. You are no longer a victim of failure; GOODNESS has been bestowed upon you; you have the ABUNDANCE and not scarity; you are a VICTOR and not a defeated one.
Food should no longer be regarded as a sickness from now on; may the water you drink or bathe in not hurt you; may the air you breathe not bring you harm; may the vehicle you drive or the vessel you ride in not bring you death; may God’s creation yield to you.
No more withering or shrinking in your entire life, My Sons and Daughters go and BLOSSOM.