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Your behavior is your protection, a person without protection is like a castle that is damaged, and anything can enter, so anyone who has not learned to be polite anything can happen to him.
Genesis 1:26-27 “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
Both men and women were created in unity, they all have the Image of God. The Image of God was the first priority when God created man; and it is not the image of a monkey or any animal but the Image of God.
God ordered the Image to have ownership, He did not order a person to have ownership, but the Image of God in a person is the one to have ownership, if you lose the Image of God you will only be left with Likeness, so you will walk on earth with only Likeness but you will not carry the Image of God. Why did God give man His image? So that he has ownership in this world. Many people are left with the Likeness of God and not the Image of God and that is why they cannot own it.
You may have many problems, you may have a disease that they tell you cannot be cured, but listen to what the Word of God says about what you are going through, the Bible says “He sends His Word and heals you”, if He sends His Word and allows healing to us, so eat His Word that you may live.
Eating the Word does not mean coming to Church every day, No! The Church is a place to learn the Word and understand what the Word says and once you understand it, you hold it and confess it in your life and it will be yours.
If you hear the Word and it enters you, then it is yours and if you manage it it will be yours.
Speak the Word because God says He looks at the Word of His servant so that He can fulfill it.
Your confession is what allows the Angels to follow what you desire and fulfill for you, don’t listen to what the world says, but listen to what the Word of God says and when you hear that Word then it is yours to confess and be thankful because it will be yours. If you hear what you heard then you got what you heard.
Unaweza ukawa na shida nyingi, unaweza ukawa na ugonjwa ambao wanakwambia kuwa hauwezi kupona, lakini sikiliza Neno la Mungu linasema nini kuhusiana na kile unachokipitia, Biblia inasema “hulituma Neno lake na kuwaponya”, kama analituma Neno lake na kuruhusu uponyaji kwetu, hivyo kula Neno lake ili upate kuwa hai.
Kula Neno haina maana ya kuwa ni kuja Kanisani kila siku, la! Kanisani ni mahali pa kujifunza Neno na kutambua kuwa hilo Neno linasemaje na ukishalielewa unalishika na kulikiri katika maisha yako nalo litakuwa lako.
Ukilisikia Neno na likaingia ndani yako basi ni lako ukilisimamia litakuwa la kwako.
Tamka Neno maana Mungu anasema huliangalia Neno la mtumishi wake ili apate kulitimiza.
Ukiri wako ndio unaoruhusu Malaika wafuatilie kile unachokitamani na kutimiza kwako, usisikilize ulimwengu unasemaje, bali sikia Neno la Mungu linasema nini na ukishalisikia hilo Neno basi ni la kwako ukalikiri na kushukuru maana litakuwa la kwako. Ukisikia ulichokisikia basi umepata ulichokisikia.