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Things to bear in mind this year of Possession
This is our year of Possession, when we talk about ownership it means your location, your position, who you are.
When you understand the possessions you own, that will give you your identity.
Today we see thieves called clever, why? Because they don’t own it.
The owner cannot steal but he catches the thieves because he is the owner, whoever you see stealing knows that he is not the owner, today you can even see our leaders stealing, I don’t understand; Do they know who they are? It is because they do not understand the meaning of ownership and that is why they do it.
The owner takes what is his, and that is why we have to return everything that is ours, if you do not know that you are the owner, you will die in this world poor and you have not owned anything.
We have been given this year to be our Possession year, The meaning is that each of us should return to our understanding to be the owner.
© Apostle and Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira- Efatha Mwenge Church.
You need to know what you want own
How can you be an owner if you don’t know what you need to own? You must understand what you own in order to own it.
1 John 4:17 “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.”
We exist in fulfillment through love, why through Love? Because we are created in love and not hate, God loved us.
The Bible says; “so that we may have confidence on the day of judgment;” This means that one day somewhere there will be judgment, but even now, the trial of judgment is still going on, and that is why you can see there are diseases, failures, separations, divorces and all kinds of pain, this is a trial of judgment to make you turn and be able to avoid eternal judgment, so it depends on you, what do you understand about trials?
The Bible says “for as he is, so are we in this world.” It is not in heaven, but in the world and not tomorrow but now, that you accept or reject but this is the truth. The way you receive is the way you will be and how you will avoid eternal judgment. You need to understand today so that you can avoid eternal judgment today before it comes.
© Apostle and Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira- Efatha Mwenge Church