Sunday sermons 08 Jan 2024

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Sunday sermons 08 Jan 2024

In this year of possession, let us learn from the journey of the children of Israel. Their journey taught us important lessons, and since possession was a part of their path, we should learn from their failures and avoid repeating them.
The Bible says in; Obadiah 1:17 “But in Mount Zion there will be survivors, and you will be holy; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.” This implies that if you remain on Mount Zion (in the presence of the Lord), your ownership will be with you forever and that the enemy cannot take it away from you.
Remember that we have been called out for our possessions, but you should also be aware that the enemy has heard this declaration and will not be pleased to see you in any possession of it. In the same manner that you are ready to become a possessor, he is ready to take it away from you. But you have to get back to the line to become a possessor.
In order not to lose your Possession, you must fight with holiness so that you can own your property. Go back to the line, decide to stay on Mount Zion (holy place) and if you stay there you will possess, and not just possess you will multiply and produce. Many times when people get money they become busy and pretend they don’t have time to go to church anymore, dear, put the car back on the road.
James 4:27 “and give no place to the devil.” Give the devil no chance to take anything from you; in other words, choose to live a holy life. If you do, even if the enemy sets traps for you, the holy Spirit will warn you of them and provide you with a way out, keeping you safe.
You have to be holy in order to communicate with the Holy Spirit. To possess the kingdom that your heavenly Father has prepared for you, you must remain in Mount Zion, a place of worship and holiness.
Beloved, your property is already there, waiting for you to stay in your place so that you can take it. Because the Bible says in; Proverbs 13:22 “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children; And the property of the wrongdoer becomes a deposit for the righteous.” Stay in your position so you can own your property.
While it is true that we take great pleasure in possession, you should be aware that there is a condition to fulfilling every promise made by God.
In this time of our possession, whatever you get you must first ask what is the will of God in what you received.
Proverbs 6:9 “O lazy man, go to the pit, consider his ways and gain wisdom.” Laziness will make you lose everything you have. We must get rid of laziness so that our ownership will be permanent.
Three things that will drive our Possession in 2024:
• Prayers
• Thanksgiving
• Giving
Many times when people receive something, they forget where they come from and as a result they give the devil a chance in their lives and lose everything they have. But if you consider those three things will protect you from losing your ownership.