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John 17:1-10 “These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now,…”
To know the one and only real God and His sent Son, Jesus Christ, is what eternal life is all about. As saved people, you and I belong to Jesus, and everyone who belongs to Jesus belongs to God. Jesus is exalted in us.
John 17:11-12 “And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.”
These were the prayers that Jesus prayed before he left for us; in that sense, we are assured of protection and we receive it. Jesus said these prayers before he left because he expected us who are saved to be united like them; The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are. He also promised to protect us; whenever a problem arises, you should go back and just remember that Jesus already prayed for you and that you are safe through His Name.
When you encounter something that you do not understand, call on the Name of Jesus because it is protected and you will be okay.
1. Even if life may bring you suffering or challenging circumstances, remember that the one who sent you is alive. Today, I proclaim that your defender is alive, therefore resist the temptation to sin.
2. Lord, I detest sin; please help me to uphold the mission and calling you have for me.
3. Lord, please allow me to get to know you better so that I can learn your victory secrets and feel safe in your presence.