How to care and protect your blessing

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How to care and protect your blessing

To take care of Abraham’s blessings in your life, wisdom is needed, the Bible says that wisdom is protection, wisdom will give you free time because you will know what to do and when to do it and what you do will be successful.
Ephesians 5:15-16 “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evilif you lack wisdom, pray and when you pray, walk like a wise man. Wisdom is a very important thing in your life.
After Solomon asked God for wisdom, he was given it, but after God gave him wisdom, he knew that Solomon could own and rule all other things, then God gave him all the wealth of this world. If you want to receive God’s blessings, ask for the Lord’s wisdom to come to you, because if wisdom comes to you, you will receive everything you need.
Oh! God, I pray that you grant me wisdom, that I know how to walk, act and save time because there is good that you have prepared for me for my future, my life and my worship, Oh! Lord, give me your wisdom so that I can enjoy my salvation all the days of my life.