SUNDAY SERMON 05/05/2024

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SUNDAY SERMON 05/05/2024


This is our year to Possess and God has given us this year because He thinks good things for us and He loves us who are his children. Every parent in the world has great intentions for their childred, does not want them to be ashamed of them, and constantly wants their children to be better than them. For those of us who have been saved, this year has been proclaimed as our year of possession by our Heavenly Father. By this, He means that He will acquire whatever He owns because He is not content with our weariness or our suffering.

Our Heavenly Father is Holy, but we cannot see Him if we are not also Holy. Therefore, living a Holy life is crucial if we want to see Him.

Psalms 24:3-6 “Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah.”

Who can ascend the Holy Mountain of the Lord?
• A person whose hands are clean and has not shed blood, this is the one who should approach the Lord. Are your hands clean?

• A person with a pure heart; The Bible says “the heart is deadly sick, who can know it?” But the Bible says that those with a pure heart can see the Lord.

• A man without deceitfulness; “who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully” A deceitful person is a very dangerous person because he can laugh at you but in his heart he wishes you to perish. Are you deceitful? Why are you not happy when your friend wins in life? Why does your heart ache when you see your partner rise in rank? If you see your friend’s business flourishing, why don’t you like it? If you see your friend’s marriage is joyful and peaceful, you start to mocking it. Let’s leave fandom in the lives of others, if you see your friend is falling, help him and advise him or her with love but don’t wish to see him or her destroyed.

If you are deceitful, you will only hear from others that they are possessing, and you will not be able to receive blessings from God, because the Bible says “He who does not lift up his soul in vain, nor swear by deceit. He will receive blessings from the Lord, and justice from the God of his salvation.”

What is a Holy Life and who should live it? What are the benefits for those who live them and what are the losses for not living them?

A Holy Life is a life of purity of heart and purity of actions, a person who says that he is saved must show that his behavior is holy and his ways must be the ways of holiness.

Psalms 16:3 “But to the saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my delight.”
Living a Holy life in the world is possible, there are people who justify their sins by saying this is a modern salvation, child of God you should know that there is no ancient or modern salvation, salvation is just salvation.

You who say you are saved, should be Holy until Jesus returns. If you are told that adultery is a sin, it will remain so, the Bible says God hates divorce, so it will remain so, gossiping is a sin, it will remain so, etc.

Psalms 24:5 “He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.”

Do you want to see the blessings of God? You must be pure and you will see God in your life, God wants you to be joyful but He has His procedures, because if you receive easily you will not see the value of what He gave you and that is why God wants you to respect what He gave you by paying for it.

Jeremiah 29:11 “The LORD will give strength unto his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace.”

You must think well because your thought is what will make God do something for you. You’ll get exactly what you think, now if you think bad then those bad things will be yours. God cannot give you something outside of your imagination.

God cannot do anything outside of what you think and if what you think is something good then He will give it to you.

Often the devil provokes you to speak badly about yourself, Child of God you must be very keen with what you say and think because that is what God will do for you, even if it is difficult for you, declare and think exactly as you want and God will fulfill.

Why don’t you receive? It’s because you look at the environment, you look at where you came from and you compare yourself with others. You who are saved and a child of God, you must think the same as your Heavenly Father thinks about you.

Learn to think exactly as God thinks, think big things, write your dream about what you want to happen and it will come true for you.

© Apostle Mama Eliakunda Mwingira- Efatha Church