SUNDAY SERMON 24/02/2024

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SUNDAY SERMON 24/02/2024

Isaiah 65:24 “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.”
We are in the Year of Possession, what do you have that will lead to Possessing? Because there are requirements you must meet in order to be considered for any job or position you wish to obtain.
You want to get married, there are requirements for you to be engaged and not because of the way you walk around or not because of your beauty; but you should know that there are requirements for you to get married, if you see that you are not married, know that you do not have the requirements for you to get married. It is possible that you will be very beautiful and even if you compete with those who are married you will be the winner, but you should know that there are criteria for you to be wife.
The criteria for working in the police are not the same as the criteria for working in court, the criteria for working at the airport are not the same as those at the port, everywhere has its own criteria to be able to work there. That’s the same with God, He has His requirements to cause you to receive from Him.
Your mind should know what requirements you should have so that you can possess the things you want to own. If you go to the airport, they don’t know how to speak in tongues, but the papers you show them will allow you to travel, if you go to the store, you cannot buy something by speaking in tongues, but give money and you will receive what you need. Everything you need in this world is already there but there are requirements you should have in order to get what you want.