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This year will change the history of your life, everything is going to change in your life because it is the year of your Possession. This is the time to receive the power to enable you to cross the boundaries and take you to your possession.
Any restrictions that keep you from owning the property will be lifted, and you are going to shift in the process. God has given you the ability to cross those boundaries today; your visa is stamped, allowing you to go to the other side of your life, whether you choose to or not. In the name of Jesus, release the barrier that has kept you from moving forward.
As this year is the year of possession, may God give you the strength to enable you to own your desires. If you receive this power, there is no limit that will stop you in your life, whether it is magical, demons or spirits, you will cross it in the Name of Jesus.
Exodus 34:24 “For I will cast out the nations before thee, and enlarge thy borders: neither shall any man desire thy land, when thou shalt go up to appear before the LORD thy God thrice in the year.”
In order for you to possess your desires and free from what is holding you, you have to go above the boundaries set for you and find what kind of boundaries you are set for.
Boundaries that you have to conquer this year:
1. Intellectual boundaries:
Before God can take possession of you, he must alter your thought process, that is how you see the world and yourself. The way many people think has prevented them from possessing it.
The devil often uses this boundary to trick people into thinking differently than God intended. A person with intellectual difficulties has a mental fortress that is very hard to break through.
Your intellectual limits end today. The way you think about yourself and think badly of others must end today. You have always thought of people badly, you feel people don’t like you, you have even become defensive because of mental limitations. If you make a mistake, repent, don’t defend yourself, you must change your thinking and think like God. Being defensive doesn’t help, you have to change your thinking; if you defend yourself, you cause your sin to mature and become chronic, you must come out of there in the Name of Jesus.
Lord Jesus, any behavior that makes me mentally resistant must be defeated in the Name of Jesus.
Boundaries that you have to conquer this year:
2. Family and Marriage Boundaries: The devil can establish boundaries in a marriage to prevent partners from enjoying it, or he can let you enjoy it at first but allow violence to creep in during the marriage and cause a bad ending.
I remove any boundaries in my marriage in the Name of Jesus, let any obstacle built in my marriage crumble in the Name of Jesus.
3. Economic Boundaries: These boundaries do not look at your speaking in tongues or spiritual gifts or your spiritual rank.
• If you have economic boundaries, you can start a certain project, but that project will die.
Go tell your dead project to be resurrected in the Name of Jesus.
Numbers 32:32 “We will cross over, wearing our weapons, before the Lord, to enter the land of Canaan, and the possession of our inheritance will be on the other side of the Jordan.”
We will CROSS OVER wearing the armor of the Word of God, Prayer and Testimony. The Apostolic declaration that this is our Year of Possession has come out, it is our time to possess; go and Possess it in the Name of Jesus.