Sunday service sermons 12 December 2023 – Efatha Church Mwenge

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Sunday service sermons 12 December 2023 – Efatha Church Mwenge

Why do people suffer and are born again? It is because they love a lie more than the truth. A lie will cause you suffering, but the truth will set you free. The truth makes you safe, that’s why the Bible says the truth will set you free. It really is the way of salvation and that way is what leads you to be safe.
How do we really get it? There are many religions in this world, but the only religion that makes people truly understand is the religion that talks about salvation. It is the only salvation that gives you the truth and makes you called the son of God, no one can say I am someone’s child (son) until the father says that I am your father. The child was not there, but the Father and Mother were there, they went through a certain happening and through that happening a son or daughter was born.
If you want to stay away from destruction, love the truth, but if you want destruction to stay with you, love lies.
There are times when you fail to move on because you compare yourself to your aunt who failed instead of comparing yourself to the one who won. You are a son of God, so your life is not like your aunt’s but it is like God who created Heaven and earth.
Genesis 1:3 “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”
God did five things:
1. He created
2. He saw
3. He discovered it
4. He decided
5. He worked happily
For this reason, the work we do needs to make us happy. Since God was happy when he created the world, he was able to observe its emptiness and desolation. Realizing that violence came from darkness, God decided to bring about light. Why is there light? Things can be distinguished and made clearer with the use of light. It is impossible to live in truth without Light.