Jesus went through suffering so that we can be happy

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Jesus went through suffering so that we can be happy

Psalms 30:11 “Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness;”
Many people experience hardships or bad times, but that is not part of God’s plan. Let the Lord remove all evil, sadness, and pain from your life and fill it with joy and happiness.
The word of God says “You turned my sails into games;” I pray that God will provide you good things despite any challenges you have faced.
According to the Bible, “the Lord delights in the prosperity of his servants.” Whatever prosperity you experience, know that it will bring God joy. God never rejoices in suffering; on the other hand, He rejoices in prosperity.
The devil has convinced many that serving God is suffering, but the Bible says that “Jesus went through suffering so that we can be happy” God wants you to experience prosperity and good things rather than hardships. God wants you to experience wealth rather than poverty; He wants you to be able to find the positive aspects of your surroundings rather than experiencing suffering and loss.
Jesus has already paid the price for you to live the best life here on earth, so there’s no reason for you to celebrate God’s prosperity when you get to heaven—instead you will enjoy it here. Let God’s blessings be revealed to you in the Name of Jesus, and enjoy them. If your well-being is kept in hell, then today my heavenly Father will set you free from every devilish trap. This is because it is not God’s plan for you to suffer.